Friday, February 4, 2011

Whole Task Approach, Scaffolding, and Mathemagenic methods

Develop a new goal or using the one you've already developed, briefly describe how you might use the whole-task approach, scaffolding, and mathemagenic methods to help students learn to perform a task.

Whole-Task Approach
Students will get a brief explanation of American Wars covered during class.  Students will study independently as teacher check progress on giving a brief summary of each war and how it effect America.  Student will not have to know order of wars or what was happening in U.S. History that cause the war.

Students will study chapter over Civil War.  Then student will have to record each union and confederate action leading up to the war.  Then I will pair up students and have them research reasons for the war.  Then I would place all the cause and actions on board as a timeline. 
After the timeline was completed, students would be aranged in groups, and each group would do a critical analysis of primary-source material, focusing on the efforts each side made to avoid the war. This started students thinking about what the issues were and how each side handled them."

Mathemagenic methods
To use this method I will show student why history is so important and not just for a test.  Students would look at primary material from the Mexican American war.  Students will then have to determine if the material is from the current day or the past.  Students will then have to see what primary quotes could be used in the future for future world leaders.
The next step would be for student to answer the question, Did the southerns have a valid reason to go to war with the North? I would decide which groups would speach from the southern stand point or the northern standpoint.  Student would then have to find primary sources to back up their postions.   Students would also have to do individual essay to support their cause standpoint.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Excellent application of the methods to your goal/topic.
