Friday, January 28, 2011

Question 3

Based on what you know about these technological innovations combined with what you have read about the history of instructional films, television, the computer and more, discuss how technology is generally used in the field of education and how you foresee technology being used in the future in the following areas: K12 Education, Higher Education and Adult Education (continuing education). For example, think about how we are using the blog to capture learning in higher education. How could it be used in K12?

From what I have seen of education, technology is lacking.  Most teachers are very limited in their use of technology due to fear of the technology, or their comfort level in doing what has worked in the past.  In my classroom I use technology everyday with my presentation station(projector).  I also try to use internet programs and microsoft office to expand my classroom teaching skills. 

In the future I see students using ebooks and their smartphones in class to enhance their learning experience.  In a K12 setting I think technology such as the the new Xbox Kinect could open up new doors in learning by giving students the option to use the intenet or computer in a new "cool way.  I also believed that K-12 and Higher education in the future will use 3-D technology to show for example the layers of the body.  I think with budget crunches for the states that more and more adult education classes will be held online.  With the growing use of high speed internet and program such as skype more and more internet class will be held for college students with less face to face sit down classes.

1 comment:

  1. I am afraid that by the time school districts approve use of even the most advanced "video games" the technology will be outdated.
